Asst. Chief Kuebler Joined Kouts Fire in 1995.
He is the Airport Director for the Porter County Regional Airport.
Did anyone in your family serve on a fire department?
“The Fire Service is an institution of tradition, and often one of family traditions. When I was a young lad, my Grandfather, a retired Schenectady, New York Fire Lieutenant, would walk me down to the neighborhood Station where he once served, raise me as high as he could lift me to slide down the fire pole, and put me up to sit in the open cab Engine where I would then proceed to drive the Crew crazy ringing the bell on the Engine. Those special times helped to form a part of who I am today. I still recall the glow of the two red lights in front of that Station at night, seen as we walked there, and the smell of both the linen fire hose and leather used for the Engine’s seats, and the helmets of that time. It’s funny the things you remember, and with such clarity. I wanted to be like my Grandfather.“
What do you like most about serving on Kouts Fire?
“I am always amazed with the resources we have on the Fire Department. Each Member brings a certain knowledge or skill set that allows the Department to prepare for, and properly respond to, our calls for service. It is always fulfilling to have shared vision and goals with others. Serving on the Fire Department offers a daily opportunity to experience both the setting and achievement of goals, individually, and as a group. There is also the pride of service that is experienced when helping others.”
What does Kouts Fire mean to you, your family, your community?
“My membership on the Fire Department has yielded me an extended family. I believe our community has a group of individuals dedicated to the citizens of the area in which we live, and choose the responsibility to protect. This is a constant in the Fire Service, whether you serve in the career or volunteer ranks. It has offered me an identity in which I hold great pride, and an acknowledgement of self worth knowing that you can made a difference in someone’s life, maybe on their darkest day. When your neighbor is in need, we are taught to respond. That is the true definition of Community.
John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” “
When not working your full time job. How do you like to spend your time?
“Aviation interests, camping, fishing, sports, and time with the family.
Why did you join Kouts Fire?
“I was a late entry into the Fire Service. After working full-time, while attending college part-time and working toward the completion of my engineering degree, ten years had elapsed before my graduation. When I graduated, I had a void where all my time spent studying once existed, and I felt compelled toward a call for service. Upon joining the Fire Department, I found a rewarding use of time that was both challenging and fulfilling. Problem solved, I had no more spare time to allow the opportunity to get into trouble.”
FF I/II, Fire Officer I, Fire Instructor II/III, Airport FF, Fire Medic, EMR